March Away
From News

What would happen to America if fewer people were drunk on the news? Would we be more engaged parents, friends, and neighbors? Would we be calmer and healthier citizens?I can be an engaged citizen without the news. I don't need The New York Times to know my neighbor needs someone to talk to and help with rent, another neighbor needs food, or that politicians are questioning my friend’s dignity and right to belong.March Away from News is about removing what became a poison in my life—too much doomscrolling—so I have space to calm my nervous system and more energy to help myself and others in need.If this approach does not make sense to you, I recommend one or both of these books by Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh:- Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet- How to Listen

If you’re worried this approach will result in people caring less for others in need, listen to Stanford’s Robert Sapolsky explain the counterintuitive research behind empathy, detachment, and acting compassionately.

Your local printer can turn the PDF into an 18x24 inch yard sign. Or you can Google “Print Yard Sign” to find other vendors.What the sign says:
A calmer, healthier world begins with calmer, healthier people.
We’re told it’s our duty to be informed citizens, but is our constant consumption of news exhausting us?March is a month to step away from news—similar to Lent or Dry January. If you’d like, try it.What the sign doesn’t say:
If you want to try this in April, May, or any other time, do it.

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